Monday, October 29, 2007

The Suck, leads to writing

I am at the point with my job where I am almost sick and tired of everything about it. Sure I love the people I work with, and the core components of my job (the writing part) can be fun. But it has come to the point where the thick layer of bullshit is just driving me crazy!

If I could do any job in the world what do I want to do... 

Design web sites, video games or write fiction.

That about sums it up, out of everything in the world, that’s what I’d like to be paid to do, so I’ve decided, why not start one now?

I am going to write in this blog anything and everything that comes into my head in terms of fiction, when a story starts to begin I’ll run with it, when I get stuck on a subject, I’ll jump to something else, as long as I’m pouring my mind into something other than this suck job.

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